The Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations (PJLIR) is the official journal publication of the University of the Philippines Diliman – School of Labor and Industrial Relations (UP SOLAIR). The PJLIR is dedicated to publishing high-quality articles that present research findings, both theoretical and empirical, on topics such as employment, labor, industrial relations, as well as human resource management and development in the Philippines and abroad. The PJLIR, in the practice of outstanding scholarship, is a double-blind refereed journal and published annually.
The 2026 issue of Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations (PJLIR) is calling for submission of articles and/or book reviews based on contemporary and related research on industrial relations, labor, employment and human resource management.
The PJLIR requires the following mechanics/format for article submission:
The manuscript must be original, recent, and has not been published or considered for publication elsewhere and must be formatted as follows:
- Single-spaced and having a margin of one inch on all sides;
- The write-up should utilize Times Roman 11 font size;
- Calibri (font size 11) for captions of sections, figures and tables, etc.;
- For journal articles: minimum of 8,000 words and maximum 15,000 words or approximately 20-25 pages;
- For book reviews: minimum of 1,500 words and maximum of 2,500 words;
- Using APA style citations and bibliography;
- Keywords should not be more than four words; and
- Abstract should be comprised of around 150 words and not more than 300 words and should incorporate both the key findings and the salient arguments of the author(s).
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically (.doc or .docx format) by 30 June 2025, with subject email title: “2026 PJLIR.”
Submit to the following:
Asst. Prof. Verna Dinah Q. Viajar, PhD
PJLIR 2026 Issue Editor
Email: vqviajar@up.edu.ph,
Cc to:
Vera Eileen Pupos
PJLIR Managing Editor
Email: vvpupos@up.edu.ph