MISSION The School of Labor and Industrial Relations, U.P. Diliman (UP-SOLAIR) committed to the empowerment of labor, enlightened industrial relations, and social justice, shall for this purpose provide the highest quality of instruction, research, and extension services. The School seeks the enlightenment of workers and the strengthening of their organizations and the democratization and humanization of industrial relations as a profession. VISION The University of the Philippines School of Labor and Industrial Relations aims to maintain itself as the country’s premier educational institution in the field of industrial relations and human resource development, to be at par with the best among similar institutions overseas by providing quality and timely industrial relations/human resource instruction, research and extension services that promote the general empowerment of the major Philippine Industrial Relations Actors in the overall context of the professionalization, democratization, and humanization of work and work relations. |
Through the years The U.P. School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR) traces its roots to the Labor Education Center (LEC). Founded in 1954, the Center was established to assist the fledgling labor movement at that time by providing training on the various aspects of trade union organizing and administration. The Center boasted of a highly capable training and professional staff of labor lawyers and trainers most of whom were recruited from the ranks of the trade union movement. After only four years of operation, the Center expanded its services to countries in Asia to fill in the gap in labor education among Asian trade unions. The Center has subsequently renamed the Asian Labor Education Center in 1958 and became the leading regional training institution for Asian trade union leaders. |