The School gives emphasis to the conduct of cooperative seminars for trade unions and NGOs under the University Pahinungod Program, research on employee stock ownership plans (ESOP), cooperation with the Employers’ Confederation of the Philippines in research on sound IR/HRD practices in firms undertaking reengineering, etc. The Social Reform Council (SRC), through its labor and peasant representatives, also asked the School to be a formal partner in undertaking research and extension work for SRA sectors.

The creation of the three Centers of Excellence gives greater focus and strength to research and extension works in the important IR/HRD advocacy areas for the University: labor and NGO-based grassroots entrepreneurship, administration of labor justice and productivity promotion. These advocacies are consistent with the mission and vision of the School and of the University.

Center for Labor and Grassroots Initiatives (CLGI) – undertakes research and training programs aimed at widening workers’ ownership base in corporate assets and strengthening grassroots entrepreneurial skills, particularly of the sectors targeted by the SRA.

Center for Labor Justice (CLJ) – undertakes research and training programs in the areas of policy analysis in labor justice administration, raising workers’ consciousness on labor rights and promotion of voluntary and peaceful modes of dispute settlements in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution.

Center for Industry Productivity and Competitiveness (CIPC) – undertakes research and trainings aimed at strengthening the capability of local industries in making appropriate productivity-enhancing IR/HRD measures as well as in promoting greater workers’ participation in productivity improvement programs.