AUN-Disability and Public Policy (AUN-DPPnet) is a thematic of ASEAN University Network (AUN) based in the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. AUN-DPPnet aims to build a cadre of disability experts and leaders who will contribute to the vision of an ASEAN region that is inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based; and who will give impact to the policies that directly make a mark on persons with disabilities throughout ASEAN and around the world.
Disabled applicants with outstanding academic accomplishments from ASEAN countries are invited to apply for this scholarship to further their postgraduate studies (BY COURSEWORK) in any field at selected institutions within the ASEAN University Network.
Interested applicants can drop in their complete application form to the AUN-DPPnet Secretariat office or you may email the documents to aundpp@um.edu.my by the above-mentioned deadline. If there are any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact 03-7967 7618 or you may visit our website for further information about this offering (https://aun-dpp.um.edu.my/).
Interested applicants can drop in their complete application form to the AUN-DPPnet Secretariat office or you may email the documents to aundpp@um.edu.my by the above-mentioned deadline. If there are any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact 03-7967 7618 or you may visit our website for further information about this offering (https://aun-dpp.um.edu.my/).
Application Closing Date : 31 JULY 2023