Application is now open for the UP SOLAIR Graduate Programs in Industrial Relations, 1st Semester, AY 2025-2026


Diploma in Industrial Relations (DipIR)
Master of Industrial Relations (MIR)

The Master of Industrial Relations (MIR) degree has two (2) tracks;

PLAN A: Thesis Option which requires the completion of 27 units, with a 2.0 weighted average and the defense of both thesis proposal and the final thesis report. (6 units);

PLAN B: Comprehensive Examination Option which requires the completion of 39 units, with a 2.0 weighted average and the passing of the MIR and comprehensive examination. After completion of 21 units, with a grade average of 1.75 qualified students are awarded a Diploma in Industrial Relations. Students can specialize in any of the following:
>> Labor-Management Relations
>> Human Resource Development
>> Labor Policy and Administration
>> Comparative Industrial Relations


A. Core Courses for the MIR DegreeIR 201 – Introduction to Industrial Relations (3 units). Theories of Industrial Relations.

IR 202 – Organization and Work (3 units). Perspectives on organization and work, socio-cultural and behavioral theories, workplace diversity and change, modes of management control and employee participation, forms of employee resistance, work design, and workplace flexibility. Prerequisite: IR 201

IR 204 – Labor and the Economy (3 units). Basic principles, institutions, and mechanisms in both the industry, as well as the national and global levels define and mediate the role of labor in industrial relations and economic development, including policy issues and options.

IR 207.1 – Employment Relations and Industrial Democracy (3 units). Principles, jurisprudence, laws, and rules covering employment contracts, labor-management relations, collective bargaining, strikes, and disputes settlement in the context of industrial democracy. Prerequisite: IR 201

IR 207.2 – Labor Standards, Justice and Equity (3 units). Current labor standards, wages and benefits, work conditions, safety and health, gender equality, and related issues in hiring and promotion and affirmative action. Prerequisite: IR 207.1

IR 299 – Research Methods in Industrial Relations (3 units). Basic research concepts and statistical methods as applied to the field of industrial relations. Co-requisite: IR 201


Plan A — IR 299.1 – Quantitative Methods in Industrial Relations (3 units). Use of quantitative approaches in the analysis of current research problems in labor and industrial relations. Prerequisite: IR 299/Equivalent research course from other disciplines.

IR- 300 — Thesis Writing (6 units)

Plan B — IR 289 – Seminar in IR and National Development (3 units). An integrating course that provides an opportunity to integrate learning experiences in the field of industrial relations.



IR 211 – Collective Bargaining and Negotiations (3 units). Philosophy, structures, the practice of collective bargaining and negotiations, and other forms of labor-management relations.

IR 215 – Forms and Settlement of Industrial Conflicts (3 units). Forms of workers’ protest and the resolution of industrial conflicts.

IR 216 -Special Problems in Labor-Management Relations (3 units).

IR 281 – Seminar in Philippine Labor Relations Policy (3 units)


IR 220 – HRD at the National Level (3 units). Introduction to the concepts, policies, and programs of HRD, comparative HRD systems and policies.

IR 222 – HRD at the Firm Level (3 units). HRD planning and program development and implementation at the firm level, roles of HRD in organizations, and the relationships of HRD policies with other business policies of the organization.

IR 225 – Design and Administration of Training Programs (3 units). training programs and methodologies as applied in business, government, and industrial organizations.

IR 226 – Special Problems in Human Resource Development (3 units).


IR 231 – Comparative Labor Movements (3 units). Evaluation and role of labor movements in selected countries of Europe, North America, Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

IR 236 – Special Topics in Comparative Industrial Relations (3 units).

IR 286 – Seminar in Workers’ Participation in Management (3 units). Concept and practice of worker participation in management, its origin, application and development; and determinants of participation and efficacy of structures and processes.

IR 287 – Seminar in Comparative IR (3 units).


IR 214 – Industrial Relations in the Public Sector (3 units). Legal framework, mechanisms, issues concerning public sector in industrial relations.

PA 241 – Public Policy and Program Administration (3 units). Overview and rationale of the field; disciplinary foundations of policy science and analysis; concept, methods, organization, and processes of policymaking, analysis, and implementation, substantive methodological, and practical issues and problems of public policy and administration.

IR 242 – Approaches to Labor Policy Analysis (3 units). Approaches to labor policy planning, evaluation and research.

IR 246 – Special Problems in Labor Policy and Administration (3 units).


Course Electives may be credited for all areas of specialization. Students may also avail themselves of related courses in other Colleges.IR 205 – Wages and the Labor Market (3 units). Theories of the labor market, analysis of wage and employment problems, determinants of wage levels and structures.

IR 210 – Philippine Labor Movement (3 units). History of the Philippine labor movement, in the context of industrialization and industrial policy.

IR 212 – Job Evaluation/Wage & Salary Administration (3 units). Critical examination of various job evaluation schemes, determinants of wage levels, wage structures and issues related to the implementation of compensation schemes.

IR 213 – Organizational Behavior in Industrial Relations (3 units). Interactions of organization, individuals, and groups in union, management and government, with emphasis on sociological, psychological, and cultural factors.

IR 217 – Employee Benefits Program (3 units). Description and analysis of employee benefit programs in public and private employment, e.g. state insurance, pension schemes, provident funds and medicare.

IR 285 – Seminar on Workers Education (3 units).

Flexible Sequence of Courses in the ladderized DipIR/MIR Program.


>> Bachelor’s degree, currently working or with two years work experience
>> Submission of the following documents:
>> Birth Certificate (original NSO copy)
>> Marriage Contract (original NSO copy)
>> Official Transcript of Records (original and sealed)
>> Applicants Bio-Data
>> Four(4) 2″ x 2″ pictures (recent)
>> Two (2) recommendations, one from a former professor, another from a former or  current
>> Payment of Php600.00 application fee.
>> Passing the entrance examination and interview.