On May 20, 2024, the Isabelo de los Reyes Auditorium at the School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR) in UP Diliman, was filled with excitement. College students, graduating senior high school students, and professionals seeking to update their job application skills gathered for a comprehensive seminar titled Standing Out from the Crowd: Strategies for a Successful Job Application.

Esteemed speakers from the Center for Industry Productivity and Competitiveness (CIPC) led the sessions. Engr. Brian Anthony Gumiran, University Extension Specialist III, discussed the job market, resume crafting, interview preparation, and follow-up strategies. While Mr. Arman D. Mangilinan, University Research Associate II, focused on writing compelling cover letters and effectively using online platforms for job searches, especially professional networking using the LinkedIn account.  Additionally, participants had the opportunity to practice their interview skills in a dedicated workshop, allowing them to apply what they learned in a simulated, supportive environment.

The seminar attracted a diverse group of attendees, including UP and non-UP college students, and individuals with varying levels of work experience. The participants expressed their appreciation for the seminar through positive feedback. Comments highlighted the value of the solid examples shared by the speakers, the well-explained content, and the practical knowledge gained. Many attendees noted how the seminar would benefit their professional careers. As one participant noted, “The seminar was comprehensive and beginner-friendly, offering a detailed step-by-step of the job hunting process.” Participants appreciated the engaging presentation style, the interactive role-play activities, and the comprehensive Q&A sessions.


In conclusion, the seminar was a resounding success by equipping the attendees with practical skills and knowledge to enhance their job applications. The active participation and positive feedback reflect the seminar’s impact and effectiveness in preparing participants for the competitive job market. 

This free career preparation seminar was the brainchild of Dr. Virgel C. Binghay, CIPC Director and UP Professor. The organizers look forward to hosting more such events to continue supporting job seekers in their professional journeys.