The University of the Philippines School of Labor and Industrial Relations (UP SOLAIR) will hold the 193rd Class of the Workers’ Institute on Labor Laws (WILL). The WILL is an institutional program offering of UP SOLAIR that aims to enable participants to:
Acquire basic knowledge about labor laws and legislation of the Philippines;
Understand and apply legal processes and techniques in their respective workplaces; and
Understand and share experiences and practices involving labor laws and industrial relations.
Topic outline:
Topic outline:
๐ตLabor and Social Legislation
๐ตLegal Rights of Workers and Management Prerogatives
๐ตEmployer-Employee Relationship โ Existence and Classification of Workers
๐ตUpdates on Contracting and Subcontracting
๐ตHours and Conditions of Work
๐ตWages and Wage-Related Benefits
๐ตHealth, Safety, and Social Welfare Benefits
๐ตJust Causes of Termination of Employment
๐ตAuthorized Causes of Termination of Employment
๐ตResignation and Retirement
๐ตLabor Organizations and Representation Issues
๐ตCollective Bargaining Concepts, Principles, and Practices
๐ตRepresentation Issues in Collective Bargaining
๐ตIssues in the Implementation and Administration of CBAs
๐ตUnfair Labor Practices Strikes, Picketing, and Lock-outs
๐ตSettlements of Labor Disputes

Registration Fee: 12,500.00 Php
This 3-day onsite seminar is designed to:

We welcome labor leaders, union members and officers, HR practitioners, management professionals, students, academics, civil society members, and all other stakeholders interested in labor laws and industrial relations.

Be part of this meaningful learning experience at UP SOLAIR. We look forward to seeing you there!